

The Camdeboo Members continue to raise funds for the upliftment of the whole community including our workers and their families. For the women there are currently knitting and crochet projects and for the workers we recently completed tractor drivers courses, chain saw operator courses and helped workers to receive their drivers licence

Secret Santa Function

During November a Secret Santa Function was organised for 22 female workers in the Camdeboo Conservancy who have been attending our knitting and chrochet project. It was followed by hot dogs and cake and coffee. All the ladies had so much fun. 


Past Projects:

Tractor drivers courses as well as chain saw operating courses.

Computer Courses for Camdeboo children at Spandau Secondary School.  This enabled several children to become computer literate and found jobs after school.

Paying for workers to get learner's and driver's licences and by giving courses.

Paying for students of workers at the Camdeboo to attend East Cape Midland College to further their education.

This past year we have taught 24 women to crochet. Some of the staff have begun to sell their wares in town, to friends. It has given them a skill and it is lovely to hear the buzz of chatter and laughter on a Tuesday afternoon as they sit together in our cottage lounge, drink coffee and listen to Amanda’s next lesson.